10 years of blogging !
Hi all ! This post is to celebrate 10 years of blogging with an average of 1 post per month. It was a quite cool adventure !
Here is the full table of contents for those interested:
- Notes on Gilbert Simondon’s “On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects” and Artificial Intelligence (1/9/2025)
- The geometry of data: the missing metric tensor and the Stein score [Part II] (11/12/2024)
- Torch Titan distributed training code analysis (8/21/2024)
- Memory-mapped CPU tensor between Torch, Numpy, Jax and TensorFlow (8/13/2024)
- Generalisation, Kant’s schematism and Borges’ Funes el memorioso – Part I (6/9/2024)
- [pt-br] Dados das enchentes no Rio Grande do Sul (RS) em 2024 (5/6/2024)
- PyTorch 2 Internals – Talk (12/11/2023)
- Thoughts on Riemannian metrics and its connection with diffusion/score matching [Part I] (9/26/2023)
- Large language model data pipelines and Common Crawl (WARC/WAT/WET) (6/3/2023)
- Feste: composing NLP tasks with automatic parallelization and batching (3/9/2023)
- Couple of recent publications in uncertainty estimation and autonomous vehicles (11/10/2022)
- Tutorial on using LLVM to JIT PyTorch fx graphs to native code (x86/arm/risc-v/wasm) (Part I – Scalars) (9/1/2022)
- Arduino WAN, Helium network and cryptographic co-processor (1/13/2022)
- Episuite: epidemiology in Python (3/21/2021)
- Talk: Gradient-based optimization for Deep Learning (11/22/2020)
- Visualizing sample simplex trajectories in Deep Learning (9/19/2020)
- A new professional ethics: Karl Popper and Xenophanes’ epistemology (9/13/2020)
- Talk: Bayesian modelling for COVID-19 seroprevalence studies (6/22/2020)
- COVID-19 Analysis: Symptom onset to confirmation delay estimation for states in Brazil (5/19/2020)
- Nota sobre o estudo da UFPel no Rio Grande do Sul (4/29/2020)
- COVID-19 Analysis: ICU occupancy forecasting for Portugal (4/8/2020)
- First early R0 estimate for Portugal COVID-19 outbreak (3/14/2020)
- Gandiva, using LLVM and Arrow to JIT and evaluate Pandas expressions (1/19/2020)
- Listening to the neural network gradient norms during training (8/4/2019)
- Visualizing network ensembles with bootstrap and randomized priors (7/20/2019)
- Uncertainty Estimation in Deep Learning (PyData Lisbon / July 2019) (7/18/2019)
- Numpy dispatcher: when Numpy becomes a protocol for an ecosystem (7/6/2019)
- Benford law on GPT-2 language model (6/14/2019)
- Randomized prior functions in PyTorch (3/24/2019)
- PyData Montreal slides for the talk: PyTorch under the hood (2/26/2019)
- 10 years of blogging ! (1/16/2019)
- A sane introduction to maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and maximum a posteriori (MAP) (1/2/2019)
- Introducing EuclidesDB – A machine learning feature database (11/27/2018)
- Time Maps: visualizing discrete events from Brazilian presidential election candidates (10/31/2018)
- Análise bayesiana dos microdados do ENEM do Rio Grande do Sul (10/28/2018)
- Benford’s law emerges from deep language model (10/18/2018)
- PyTorch 1.0 tracing JIT and LibTorch C++ API to integrate PyTorch into NodeJS (10/2/2018)
- Concentration inequalities – Part I (8/23/2018)
- NLP word representations and the Wittgenstein philosophy of language (5/23/2018)
- PyTorch – Internal Architecture Tour (3/12/2018)
- Privacy-preserving sentence semantic similarity using InferSent embeddings and secure two-party computation (1/22/2018)
- New prime on the block (1/4/2018)
- The effective receptive field on CNNs (11/12/2017)
- Benford’s law – Index (11/6/2017)
- The same old historicism, now on AI (7/30/2017)
- Introduction to Word Embeddings (2/8/2017)
- Nanopipe: connecting the modern babel (10/17/2016)
- JIT native code generation for TensorFlow computation graphs using Python and LLVM (8/22/2016)
- Convolutional Neural Networks – Architectural Zoo (6/2/2016)
- Voynich Manuscript: word vectors and t-SNE visualization of some patterns (1/16/2016)
- Convolutional hypercolumns in Python (1/11/2016)
- Convolutional Neural Networks Presentation (10/15/2015)
- Deep learning – Convolutional neural networks and feature extraction with Python (8/19/2015)
- Google’s S2, geometry on the sphere, cells and Hilbert curve (8/14/2015)
- Luigi’s Codex Seraphinianus deep learning dreams (8/11/2015)
- Real time Drone object tracking using Python and OpenCV (1/26/2015)
- Arduino and OLED display to monitor Redis for fun and profit (1/14/2015)
- Recebendo dados de baloes meteorologicos da Aeronautica (7/28/2014)
- Simple and effective coin segmentation using Python and OpenCV (6/22/2014)
- Despesas de Custeio e Lei de Benford (6/9/2014)
- Universality, primes and space communication (1/9/2014)
- The beauty of Bitcoin P2P network (12/13/2013)
- Protocoin – a pure Python Bitcoin protocol implementation (11/22/2013)
- Mapa de calor dos dados de acidentes de transito do DataPoa (11/16/2013)
- Book Suggestion: Codex Seraphinianus (11/5/2013)
- Machine Learning :: Cosine Similarity for Vector Space Models (Part III) (9/12/2013)
- Rastreamento em tempo real de avioes em Porto Alegre utilizando Raspberry Pi + Radio UHF (SDR RTL2832U) (2/5/2013)
- Raspberry Pi & Arduino: a laser pointer communication and a LDR voltage sigmoid (8/19/2012)
- Genetic Programming and a LLVM JIT for restricted Python AST expressions (8/15/2012)
- Raspberry Pi no Brasil (8/2/2012)
- Review Board – Review Requests plotting using Python (7/7/2012)
- Accessing HP Cloud OpenStack Nova using Python and Requests (2/2/2012)
- Announce: Stallion v0.2 released ! (12/15/2011)
- Announce: ‘Stallion’ – Python Package Manager (12/4/2011)
- Hacking into Python objects internals (11/23/2011)
- C++11 user-defined literals and some constructions (11/21/2011)
- Machine Learning :: Text feature extraction (tf-idf) – Part II (10/3/2011)
- Machine Learning :: Text feature extraction (tf-idf) – Part I (9/18/2011)
- The Interactive Robotic Painting Machine ! (8/17/2011)
- Pyevolve – new repository at Github (8/10/2011)
- News: Algorithm searches for models that best explain experimental data (8/2/2011)
- C++0x :: Introduction to some amazing features (7/28/2011)
- The bad good news for optimization (7/16/2011)
- Hiatus (5/20/2011)
- PyCon 2011: Genetic Programming in Python (3/14/2011)
- Using pyearthquake to plot Japan USGS earthquake data into the near real-time MODIS satellite imagery (3/12/2011)
- Invite: PyCon US 2011 – Genetic Programming in Python (3/9/2011)
- Health and Genetic Algorithms (2/4/2011)
- Google Analytics Visualization (2/2/2011)
- Darwin on the track (11/19/2010)
- Capturing and comparing writers profiles through Markov chains (9/28/2010)
- PyOhio 2010: Genetic Programming in Python (8/31/2010)
- New SIGEVOlution Volume 5 Issue 1 (5/27/2010)
- The future can be written in RPython now (5/24/2010)
- Pyevolve 0.6rc1 released ! (4/25/2010)
- Riemann Zeta function visualizations with Python (2/20/2010)
- New issue of SIGEVOlution (Volume 4 Issue 3) (2/17/2010)
- News: Using genetic algorithms to optimise current and future health planning (1/28/2010)
- New issue of SIGEVOlution, Volume 4 Issue 2 (1/18/2010)
- Exploring real-time Haiti USGS Earthquake data with near real-time MODIS Aqua+Terra satellite imagery using Python (1/16/2010)
- Pyevolve in action, solving a 100 cities TSP problem (12/17/2009)
- A method for JIT’ing algorithms and data structures with LLVM (11/22/2009)
- Pyevolve on SIGEVOlution (11/9/2009)
- Pyevolve benchmark on different Python flavors (10/19/2009)
- Successful pyevolve multiprocessing speedup for Genetic Programming (10/11/2009)
- Meanwhile, at the Hall of Justice! (10/5/2009)
- Beautiful Django (10/1/2009)
- On the irreversibility of evolution (9/27/2009)
- New SIGEvolution issue – Volume 3 Issue 4! (9/22/2009)
- n-queens problem using Pyevolve (9/19/2009)
- Word is smart, but OpenOffice is wise (9/18/2009)
- Send Subversion commit messages to Twitter (8/12/2009)
- An analysis of Benford’s law applied to Twitter (8/11/2009)
- Announce: python-gstringc 1.0 (8/8/2009)
- Pyevolve: announce of the user group (8/4/2009)
- GLib GString wrapper for Python (8/4/2009)
- Jinja2 in a Java JSP (7/29/2009)
- Approximating Pi number using Genetic Programming (7/22/2009)
- Genetic Programming and Flex layouts (6/29/2009)
- FISL 10 – “Forum Internacional de Software Livre” (6/25/2009)
- Benford’s Law and the Iran’s election (6/17/2009)
- Genetic Programming meets Python (6/8/2009)
- The Darwin’s cake experiment (6/7/2009)
- Prime Numbers and the Benford’s Law (5/9/2009)
- Evolving autopilots could boost space slingshots (5/7/2009)
- Pyevolve: Sourceforge.net Nomination (5/6/2009)
- ‘Evolutionary Algorithms’ Mimic Natural Evolution In Silico And Lead To Innovative Solutions For Complex Problems (5/6/2009)
- Pyevolve: Genetic Algorithms + Interactive Mode (4/27/2009)
- Delicious.com, checking user numbers against Benford’s Law (4/24/2009)
- Benford’s Law meets Python and Apple Stock Prices (4/23/2009)
- More Twitter 3D videos (4/23/2009)
- Digital Archeology Reveals Dinosaur Details using Genetic Algorithms (4/15/2009)
- Evolutionary Computation (4/14/2009)
- Computação Evolutiva (4/14/2009)
- Computer Program Self-Discovers Laws of Physics (4/5/2009)
- Pyevolve: LaTeX documentation (3/31/2009)
- TSP on Nokia N73 using PyS60 and Pyevolve (3/25/2009)
- Good news for Python community (3/25/2009)
- Genetic Algorithms on cellphones ! Pyevolve on Nokia N73 (Symbian + PyS60) (3/21/2009)
- Happy Birthday Genetic Argonaut ! (3/20/2009)
- Travelling Salesman on Sony PSP using Stackless Python + Pyevolve (3/10/2009)
- Google Search Insight for GA and GP (3/9/2009)
- Rosenbrock’s banana function and friends (3/6/2009)
- Considerations regarding Karl Popper’s philosophy of science and Evolutionary Algorithms (3/4/2009)
- Pyevolve on Sony PSP ! (genetic algorithms on PSP) (3/3/2009)
- Pyevolve: the effect of Linear Scaling (3/2/2009)
- Python: 3D real-time debugging and function call structure (2/25/2009)
- Twitter in 3D ! (2/22/2009)
- Genetic Algorithms help us to understand how we see (2/16/2009)
- Good news: IronPython and Jython compatibility ! (2/16/2009)
- Pyevolve profiling dot graph (2/14/2009)
- Considerações sobre a filosofia da ciência de Karl Popper e Algoritmos Evolutivos (2/13/2009)
- The Pyevolve Interactive Mode on Mac OS (2/12/2009)
- Happy Darwin day ! (2/12/2009)
- Python: acessing near real-time MODIS images and fire data from NASA’s Aqua and Terra satellites (2/11/2009)
- Considerações sobre o determinismo e livre-arbítrio para uma futura e distante ciência (2/9/2009)
- Pyevolve: work on the distributed Genetic Algorithm support (2/7/2009)
- A beautiful example of cooperation between theory and experiment, the new Boron form (2/7/2009)
- The new Pyevolve blog site (2/7/2009)
Wow, this is a great achievement! I have been blogging for about the same amount of time, but with way less persistence, and much of my early content is now gone. Only in the past couple of years, did I start pushing myself to write more consistently. I wish that I can reach a goal like this one day 🙂 Cheers!