Month: November 2013

Programming, Python

Mapa de calor dos dados de acidentes de transito do DataPoa

Esta semana será disponibilzada a nova versão do Django GIS Brasil, segue abaixo um exemplo de mapa criado usando os novos dados do Django GIS Brasil importados do DataPoa.

O exemplo abaixo é um mapa de calor utilizando os dados de acidentes de trânsito em Porto Alegre /RS durante os anos de 2000 até 2012. Os eixos (ruas, avenidas, etc.) também estarão presentes no Django GIS Brasil.


Heatmap POA
Mapa de Acidentes de Trânsito em PoA/RS. Clique para ampliar.

Book Suggestion: Codex Seraphinianus

Today the Codex Seraphinianus just arrived (after months waiting in the pre-order state). I bought it from Amazon and I really recommend this edition for those who are interested because this is a very large edition with high quality textured paper and beautiful printing style. The book has also in the end a pocket with a small brochure called “Decodex” with a letter from Luigi Serafini.

The book is a very impressive creation by Luigi Serafini (or by the cat) dating from 1981 and presenting an impossible world that will cause to you the most strange feelings. See the photo of the cover and some pages below.

– Christian S. Perone

Codex Page

Codex Title

I'm starting a new course "Machine Learning: Foundations and Engineering" for 2024.