Month: May 2009

News, Python, Science

Prime Numbers and the Benford’s Law

Today, I read a news article from the about the new pattern found in the Prime Numbers, the article talks about the new discovery by Bartolo Luque and Lucas Lacasa:

In a recent study, Bartolo Luque and Lucas Lacasa of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in Spain have discovered a new pattern in primes that has surprisingly gone unnoticed until now. They found that the distribution of the leading digit in the prime number sequence can be described by a generalization of Benford’s law.

I was very surprised by the fact that nobody have noticed that before and after read the original paper (if you are interested, read it) describing the new patterns discovered, I was very impressed and impatient to see it in pratice !

The new pattern discovered is based on the so-called GBL (Generalized Benford’s Law), which you can see in the paper at the Eq 3.1:


Where the P(d) means the probability of appearance of the leading digit d. The alpha is the exponent of the original power law distribution (for alpha = 1, the GBL reduces to the Benford’s law).

The authors says that for a given integer interval of [1,N], there exists a particular value alpha(N) for which the GBL fits with extremely good accuracy the first digit distribution of the primes appearing in that interval and showing the functional relation between alpha and N in the Eq 3.2:


Where a = 1.10 +- 0.05 for large values of N. They also cite a GBL extension, but I’ll use just these formulae to plot our distributions.

So I have implemented these formulae into the simple pybenford module as follows:

def gbl(alpha, digit):
   return 1/(10**(1-alpha)-1)*((digit + 1)**(1-alpha)-digit**(1-alpha))

def calc_alpha(n, a=1.10):
   return 1/(math.log(n)-a)

def gbenford_law(alpha):
   return [gbl(alpha, digit)*100.0 for digit in xrange(1,10)]

For the reason that we are using an infinite integer sequence, we must always pick the sequence interval [1, N] where N = 10^D  (see the  Natural Density section of the paper for more information).

The next step is to create a list of prime numbers between an arbitrary interval of D=8, or [1,10^8]. In this step I used the Sieve (see more information) utility to create a file with the generated prime numbers in the cited interval, I used the follow command to get this file output:

sieve2310.exe -s 1 -e 100000000  >>sieve_n8.txt

The sieve is very fast, this will create the file “sieve_n8.txt” with nearly 66MB (don’t worry, it’s a very fast generation, it took 8 seconds for me using a Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz).

And we are ready to use Python and pybenford to read the prime numbers, calculate the leading digits frequency and plot our result ! Here is the code I created:

import pybenford

sieve_file = open("sieve_n8.txt", "r")
prime_list = [int(prime) for prime in sieve_file]

alpha              = pybenford.calc_alpha(10**8)
benford_law        = pybenford.gbenford_law(alpha)
prime_distribution = pybenford.calc_firstdigit(prime_list)
pybenford.plot_comparative(prime_distribution, benford_law, "Prime Numbers")

And voilà, here is the output plot showing an extremely good accuracy claimed by paper authors (click on the image to enlarge):


The plotting of the distributions (click to enlarge)

If you are interested on Benford’s law, there are some posts about it here and here.

I hope you liked this =)

UPDATE 10/05: Mike Loukides did a good work generalizing for other bases, thank you for sharing your experiment Mike.

UPDATE 08/08 (lol): There are many more comments about this post on Reddit, see here.

Genetic Algorithms, News, Science

Evolving autopilots could boost space slingshots

From the NewScientist article:

COULD space probes use genetic algorithms as autopilots to help them navigate the complexities of the solar system?

Deep-space missions such as NASA’s veteran z Voyager probes often rely on gravity assists. They use a planet’s gravitational field as a slingshot, which allows them to visit other celestial bodies without using up too much fuel. But programming a probe with its trajectory years ahead of time can be a problem, says Ian Carnelli of the European Space Agency in Noordwijk, the Netherlands.

Missed launch windows, unexpected winds and misbehaving rockets mean that probes hardly ever leave Earth in the planned position or velocity, and radiation pressure from solar flares can perturb the craft’s course in deep space. If the probe is out of position when it starts a gravity-assisted manoeuvre, the slingshot will be inefficient.

In the Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics (DOI: 10.2514/1.32633), Carnelli and colleagues Bernd Dachwald and Massimiliano Vasile suggest that a probe could navigate for itself using a genetic algorithm (GA).


Carnelli likens this to hundreds of virtual pilots flying simulated spacecraft, with the GA disposing of those that waste fuel or steer a slow course, while “breeding” the best ones together, a process akin to natural selection. “After hundreds of generations of the GA you obtain a ‘pilot’ that is an extremely good performer – able to fly the assist trajectory that uses the least propellant while reaching the next target planet faster,” he says. Carnelli has run successful simulations of GA-enabled missions to Mercury via Venus, and Pluto via Jupiter.


Read the full article.

News, Science

‘Evolutionary Algorithms’ Mimic Natural Evolution In Silico And Lead To Innovative Solutions For Complex Problems

An interesting news article was recently published by Science Daily, it talks mainly about the use of Evolutionary Algorithms to solve some complex problems like resource management in low rainfall regions, building bricks and automotive electronics:

Extensive resource management is required in low rainfall regions, where groundwater reserves are rare and must be tapped with great care. Various factors must be taken into account: How the ground water interacts with its environment, where drilling must be performed without disadvantaging neighbours, how the ground water can be protected over a long period of time, and how the development costs can be kept as low as possible: This complex application problem was examined by Tobias Siegfried and Wolfgang Kinzelbach, professor at the Institute for Environmental Engineering at the ETH Zurich, with the help of simulated evolution (…)


Perfected tower construction with the help of Evolutionary Algorithms.
(Credit: Johannes Bader /ETH Zürich)

Read the full article.

I'm starting a new course "Machine Learning: Foundations and Engineering" for 2024.