I’m happy to announce the first release v.0.1 of the Stallion project. Stallion is a visual Python package manager compatible with Python 2.6 and 2.7 (I still haven’t tested it with Python 2.5).
The motivation behind Stallion is to provide an user friendly visualization with some management features (most of them are still under development) for Python packages installed on your local Python distribution. Stallion is intended to be used specially for Python newcomers.
The project is currently hosted at Github, so feel free to fork, contribute, make suggestion, report bugs, etc.
All you need to do to install Stallion is to use your favorite Python distribution system, examples:
user@machine:~/$ pip install stallion
user@machine:~/$ easy_install stallion
By doing this on your prompt (Windows/Linux), the pip/setuptools will download and install external dependencies (Flask, Jinja, docutils, etc.).
After installing Stallion, you need to start the local server by using:
user@machine:~/$ python -m stallion.main
And if it’s all ok, Stallion will start the server on localhost only at the port 5000, so all you need to do now is to browse into the URL http://localhost:5000
You can also download install packages from the PyPI repository.
See some screenshots (click to enlarge)
Click on the screenshots below to enlarge.
Installed package information
Package metadata
Check PyPI for updates available
PyPI version mismatch diagnosis