Tag: newsletter

Genetic Algorithms, genetic programming, News, Science

New issue of SIGEVOlution (Volume 4 Issue 3)

The new issue of SIGEVOlution (the newsletter of ACM Special Interest Group on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation) was released:

In this release you can read about:

Issues in applying computational intelligence
By Arthur Kordon

By Patrick O. Stalph, Martin V. Butz

And a lot of information about new PhD theses, new journal issues and about events to come.

News, Pyevolve, Python, Science

Pyevolve on SIGEVOlution


I’m proud to announce that Pyevolve is featuring on the last issue of SIGEVOlution (Volume 4, Issue 1), a newsletter from the ACM Special Interest Group on Evolutionary Computation. I would like to thank the newsletter editor Pier Luca Lanzi and the board for the corrections in the article and for the well done reformatted version of the paper.

Pyevolve is currently in version 0.5, in a few months I’ll be releasing the new 0.6 release with the new major features that are currently implemented in the development version only (you can check it at the subversion repository in sourceforge.net).

I hope you enjoy the article !

– Christian S. Perone