Tag: gstring


Announce: python-gstringc 1.0

Last week I’ve done the ctype wrapper of Glib GString, but the performance issues when compared with cStringIO or StringIO was very poor, due to overhead of the ctypes calls. So I’ve written a new C extension for Python, the source-code (for linux) and install packages (for win32) are available at the project site. Here is some performance comparisons:



Those tests were done to test string concatenation (append) of the three modules. You can find more about the tests and performance in the project site.

I hope you enjoy =)


GLib GString wrapper for Python

I’ve done a little wrapper of GLib/GString functionality using Python ctypes. GString of GLib is an amazing and very stable work done by GLib team, the core used by GTK+ and many other libraries. The wrapper I’ve done works in Windows and Linux, but the performance results seems more interesting for Windows, however, the GString functionality is very interesting for any platform. The project is hosted here in Google project hosting.

Here is some examples of the wrapper:

>>> from GString import GString
>>> obj1 = GString("test")
>>> obj1

>>> print obj1
>>> obj1+obj1

>>> obj1+=obj1
>>> obj1

>>> obj1.truncate(5)

>>> obj1.insert(2, "xx")

>>> obj1.assign("test")

>>> obj1.erase(2,2)

>>> obj1.assign("12345")
>>> for i in xrange(len(obj1)):
...    print obj1[i]

I hope you enjoyed the wrapper, you can find performance comparisons in the project home site.