Tag: art

Machine Learning, Python

Luigi’s Codex Seraphinianus deep learning dreams

Some time ago I received the Luigi’s Codex Seraphinianus book, for those who still didn’t had a chance to take a look, I really recommend you to buy the book, this is the kind of book that will certainly leave a weirdness in your senses. Codex looks like a treatise of a obscure world, and the Codex alone is by far the most weirdest book I’ve ever seen, so I decided to use the GoogleNet model to create the inceptionisms (using the code based on Caffe, that Google kindly released) with some selected images from the Codex. The result of this process created some very interesting images that I decided to share below (click to enlarge):

Original Codex Seraphinianus image.
Original Codex Seraphinianus image.
Deep dreams.
Deep dreams.
The original Codex Seraphinianus image.
The original Codex Seraphinianus image.
Deep dreams.
Deep dreams.
The original Codex Seraphinianus image.
The original Codex Seraphinianus image.
Deep dreams.
Deep dreams.
The original Codex Seraphinianus image.
The original Codex Seraphinianus image.
Deep dreams.
Deep dreams.
The original Codex Seraphinianus image.
The original Codex Seraphinianus image.
Deep Dreams
Deep Dreams

I hope you liked it !

– Christian S. Perone

Cite this article as: Christian S. Perone, "Luigi’s Codex Seraphinianus deep learning dreams," in Terra Incognita, 11/08/2015, https://blog.christianperone.com/2015/08/luigis-codex-seraphinianus-deep-learning-dreams/.
Genetic Algorithms, Pyevolve, Python

The Interactive Robotic Painting Machine !

I’m glad to announce a project created by Benjamin Grosser called “Interactive Robotic Painting Machine“. The machine uses Python and Pyevolve as it’s Genetic Algorithm core, the concept is very interesting:

What I’ve built to consider these questions is an interactive robotic painting machine that uses artificial intelligence to paint its own body of work and to make its own decisions. While doing so, it listens to its environment and considers what it hears as input into the painting process. In the absence of someone or something else making sound in its presence, the machine, like many artists, listens to itself. But when it does hear others, it changes what it does just as we subtly (or not so subtly) are influenced by what others tell us.

Read more about the project in the Benjamin Grosser website.