Introducing EuclidesDB – A machine learning feature database
Past week I released the first public version of EuclidesDB. EuclidesDB is a multi-model machine learning feature database that is tightly coupled with PyTorch and provides a backend for including and querying data on the model feature space.
For more information, see the GitHub repository or the documentation.
Some features of EuclidesDB are listed below:
- Written in C++ for performance;
- Uses protobuf for data serialization;
- Uses gRPC for communication;
- LevelDB integration for database serialization;
- Many indexing methods implemented (Annoy, Faiss, etc);
- Tight PyTorch integration through libtorch;
- Easy integration for new custom fine-tuned models;
- Easy client language binding generation;
- Free and open-source with permissive license;
And here is a diagram of the overall architecture:
Does EuclidesDB only provide image-based search engine?
Yes, that’s the main goal of EuclidesDB !
Well it seems a great idea. No time to test it now but probably I could in some months.
I would like to use EuclidesDB for audio files. Is it compatible with audio files related data or is it only for images?